See below for further information.
Devised Theatre is a process in which the whole creative team develops the show collaboratively.
Option A
Devise at Festival
Collaborate with a professional guest artist and an ensemble of other student artists to create and perform a devised piece at the festival. No nomination is required. Participation is open to the first 18 people who register. If any slots remain at the festival’s start, students may still choose to participate by expressing their interest at the 10-Minute Play Auditions.
Option B
Devise in Advance
Devise and rehearse a piece at your school using the prompt. Bring your work to festival, perform it in the devised theatre showcase, and receive feedback from a panel of professional devising artists. No nomination is required. Registration is limited to the first 8 entries. Please choose one individual to submit your group’s registration and serve as the contact person for communication.

Create a 5-10 min. piece of theatre that represents how “The Squeeze” inspires you. As you begin, ideate on the different meanings the prompt affords. What images, sayings, or quotes from pop culture emerge as you inquire? Here are some to start with. Feel free to expand upon these, combine two or more, or move into your own territory:
- Relationships – You’re my main squeeze!
- Popular saying – Is the juice worth the squeeze?
- Concept – The squeeze of anxiety
- Quote – “The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.” -Princess Leia
You may use any theatrical style that is suitable to you. Be sure to include some fundamental elements of theatre as your imagination allows, and you are technically able:
- Music/sound (live or recorded)
- Costuming/uniformity
- Set/staging
- Lighting
- Movement/dance

Jerome Yorke
Devised Theatre Coordinator
Jerome Yorke (he/they)
Associate Professor of Physical Theatre
University of Dayton