KCACTF3 > DTM > Event Registration

 Design, Technology, and Management

 Event Registration


Both realized and non-realized/paper projects are eligible to be considered for National Selection.

Design, Technology, and Management Event Registration

Follow the steps below to register for all Festival DTM events

  1. Register for the Festival at the Festival Registration Page. You may need to check with your school to see if you are already registered. 
  2. Find your DTM event registration link below
  3. Submit your registration form
  4. Repeat for any additional events

Note: File upload links for additional materials, if applicable, will be sent with the confirmation email after completing each form.

Design, Technology, & Management Expo

DTM Expo

Allied Design and Technology

Makeup, projection, properties, millinery, masks, tech, wigs, scenic art, draping & tailoring, technical direction, puppets, special effects, costume craft, audio engineering, etc.

Eligible for USITT National Selection

DTM Expo

Stage Management Fellowship

Eligible for KCACTF National Selection

DTM Expo

Regional Design Projects

Eligible for KCACTF National Selection and Regional Recognition

DTM Expo

Faculty/Staff Exhibition

Design and Technology Projects

Other DTM Events at the Festival


Professional Auditions and Interviews

DTM Team

Region 3

Peggy Mead-Finzio

Peggy Mead-Finzio

Co-Chair Design, Technology, & Management

Associate Professor of Theater
Saginaw Valley State University
Curtiss Hall 188
Saginaw, MI 48604

Ann Dasen

Ann Dasen

Co-Chair Design, Technology, & Management

Central Michigan University
Associate Professor of Costume Design and Makeup
Department of Theatre and Dance
Moore 152

Kim Instenes

Kim Instenes

Co-Vice Chair Design, Technology, & Management

Carthage College
Assistant Professor of Costume Design
Department of Theatre

Jeff Sherwood

Jeff Sherwood

Co-Vice Chair Design, Technology, & Management

Michigan Technological University
Assistant Professor of Sound Design
Visual & Performing Arts
1400 Townsend Dr
Houghton, MI 49931